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Jane 14.01.2018 00:13

Is this a male? And is he still available ?
How much is he?

Kelly Hovingh 27.08.2016 11:01


How much are your Puppies and do you send to Perth.

B 02.09.2016 05:47

Hi Kelly
Yes I do organise flights to Perth. I have emailed you today:)

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28.07 | 09:42

Hi I am interested in a beaglier- when will you have a litter available please. Regards Kerri

18.08 | 10:34

Hi, we are looking at hopefully getting a Beaglier puppy? Could you please let me know if you will have any puppies soon? Thanks

14.08 | 20:47

Looking to understand more around your next litter.

12.08 | 04:46

Looking for a female beaglier to join our family. Just wondering when you might have availability and cost. Whereabouts are you located? Thanks